creating coaching culture

Individual Development Planning is crucial for organizations looking to groom high-potential employees for future leadership roles. However, many such programs are often reserved for select individuals, leaving a significant proportion of employees feeling excluded and disengaged from the development process. To address this issue, organizations must make leadership development inclusive and accessible to all employees, regardless of their level or potential.

Lead Check Program

Our team has developed a simple yet powerful program called LEAD Check that can help initiate employees into thinking about their development and committing to a plan. LEAD Check is a leadership health check and an initiation into leadership development for young professionals to create a coaching culture within all organizations.

Through this individual development planning program, a motivated young professional is paired with a coach who helps them create a development plan that is robust and well-thought-out. The plan is based on conversations about the employee’s career aspirations and current realities, supported by assessment data.

LEAD Check is designed to be inclusive and accessible to all employees, thus creating a healthy coaching culture. It is particularly useful for organizations with a large number of employees who are delivering good results but may not have access to individual development planning programs.

Another benefit of LEAD Check is that it can help identify high-potential employees who may have been overlooked in the past. By making the program accessible to all employees, organizations can identify employees who show potential for leadership roles but may not have been recognized as high-potential individuals.

Moreover, LEAD Check can also benefit organizations by creating a more engaged and committed workforce. When employees take ownership of their development, they are more likely to be productive and work collaboratively, leading to better organization effectiveness.


In conclusion, LEAD Check is a valuable tool for organizations that want to make individual development inclusive and accessible to all employees. The individual development planning program provides a starting point for employees to think about their development and commit to a plan that aligns with their career goals. If you are interested in learning more about LEAD Check and how it can benefit your organization, please contact us.

By leadershiphub

A business consultant and freelance blogger, working on writing blogs on topic such as leadership and startups.